TrapBag® Flood Barriers vs. Quick Dam Flood Barriers

How do TrapBag flood barriers measure up against Quick Dam flood barriers? Learn how these flood prevention methods compare in use.

Cars on a flooded freeway

TrapBag flood barriers and Quick Dam flood barriers are both two widely popular flood prevention products. We have the same mission: to prioritize your safety and provide you with protection against flood damage. There are many similarities between our products, but there are also some key differences that should be discussed.

There’s much to learn as we compare and contrast our flood products against Quick Dam bags. Empower yourself with knowledge when it comes to choosing the right flood protection method for you. 

What to Consider When Choosing Flood Prevention Methods

Area of Flood Zone

The total size of an area that is expected to be flooded should be taken into consideration when deciding on a flood barrier method. Ask yourself what your goal is. Are you going to attempt to protect a few hundred square feet of your yard, or is this a much bigger project to be installed along a shoreline? 

TrapBag is meant to cover large sections of land. Our products come in 33-foot and 50-foot wall sections. This is a suitable method for protecting large properties, public shorelines, city infrastructure such as bridges, and national or state parks. 

Expected Rainfall 

Before a storm, there’s likely to be an anticipated rainfall forecast. It’s important to keep in mind that anticipated rainfall doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s how deep the floodwater will be. It’s simply the amount that a bucket would contain if the rainwater was collected. A foot of rainfall at low elevation can easily lead to dangerous levels of flooding due to runoff. Valleys are susceptible to high floodwaters.

Another factor that influences how high floodwaters will be is the landscape. Rural areas can handle heavy rainfall better due to absorption by soil and plants, while urban areas are more likely to suffer, especially if they don’t have an adequate drainage system to take in rainfall as it comes. 

Having appropriately high flood barriers is vital. Your barrier system won’t do a bit of good if water is pouring over the top. Flood barriers like TrapBag are an excellent choice for higher waters, as we carry products that come in heights of up to six feet. 


The price of flood barriers is certainly something to consider when choosing a product. The average citizen cannot afford an industry-grade flood barrier as a government organization can. Even with organizations, budgets have to be accounted for. 

As much as the cost of flood prevention barriers may seem intimidating, it’s a wise investment that will save you money in the long run. An inadequate flood barrier that is overrun by floodwaters may cost you thousands of dollars in repairing the damage that it didn’t protect against. 

When assessing cost, it’s important to note that TrapBag uses 40% less fill material than traditional sandbag flood prevention products. This saves customers not only money but also time spent filling. 


When choosing between flood prevention methods, ask yourself if the flood barrier will need to be relocated. If mild flooding will occur throughout a changing floodplain during the season, one might want to opt for reusable flood barriers such as Quick Dam flood barriers. 

The downside to reusable flood barriers is that they’re not designed to be rapidly deployed and can require heavy lifting. TrapBags are intended to be filled after they are placed in their designated location. With this method, heavy lifting and constant running back and forth isn’t an issue. Carrying several reusable flood barriers to stack isn’t a speedy process. 

What Do TrapBag Flood Barriers Offer that Quick Dam Flood Barriers Don’t?

At TrapBag, we’ve created innovative products that offer several unique qualities that competitors like Quick Dam flood bags do not. 


Quick Dam’s flood barriers are not intended to be stacked vertically. They must be stacked like a pyramid, or they will become unstable. TrapBag flood barriers are sturdy and stackable, so you don’t have to worry about spending unnecessary money on additional flood bags to build a stronger base. 


Flood prevention barriers should last a long time, especially in areas where flooding is a recurring issue. Quick Dam flood barriers last only 6–12 months after activation. This means during every flood season, you’ll have to buy more flood prevention products. TrapBag has a lifespan of at least five years, making it a long-term solution and a worthwhile investment for your property. 

Leak Protection

Quick Dam flood bags use an absorbent gel material as part of their water-activated technology. Quick Dam acknowledges that water can seep through their flood barriers, especially in areas where the absorbent gel material has migrated. Much like a gel pack, gaps in the gel can form during storage, transportation, or when stepped on. 

Rapid Deployment

TrapBag was designed to be able to be deployed at a moment’s notice. The quick process involves simply placing the barrier and then adding fill material. Quick Dam flood barriers need to be pre-activated with water, which may require a person to be home when flooding occurs. They also take about 10 minutes to fully inflate. TrapBags are effective immediately and can be left after installation. 

High Water Containment

The most significant difference between TrapBag and Quick Dam flood barriers is that Quick Dam cannot barricade high waters like TrapBag can. Quick Dam flood bags are designed to accommodate up to just 3.5 inches of floodwater, which isn’t sufficient to combat a severe storm or flash flood. 

TrapBag can hold back rising floodwaters of up to six feet high. We offer four-foot, five-foot, and six-foot flood prevention products. To protect communities during hurricanes and tropical storms, there’s no contest when it comes to which flood prevention method to choose. 

Try TrapBag Flood Prevention Barriers

While there are many flood prevention products on the market that claim to offer the same level of protection as TrapBag, none can rival the unique textile technology we’ve created. Shop our products today and see why TrapBag offers flood protection like no other.